Game Designer, Professor, Optimist

Fun Games with Serious People

Fun Games with Serious People is a podcast where we play fun games and talk about serious stuff.



Fun Games with Serious People is a podcast where we play fun games and talk about serious stuff, like economics, or artificial intelligence, or queer theory. I host the series, which is interested in how we learn to navigate the systems underlying games, and what we can learn about the world and each other through gameplay. In each episode we play a game and chat while playing, trying to unlock secrets of the universe, or answer more mundane questions like, “what is intelligence?” or “how do jokes work?” Most of the episodes have videos of gameplay, which you can check out on the website.

Fun Games with Serious People was recorded in late 2019 and early 2020 (pre and post-pandemic). 

Colleen Macklin is the host of Fun Games with Serious People
Colin Howarth is the Editor and Producer
Yiqin Ma, is the Videographer
Our logo is by Renee Zalles